London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of ]

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Administrative action regarding adulteration or other irregularity — continued

ArticleInformal or Formal SampleNature of adulteration or irregularityAction
Ground nutmegFormalInsect fragments.Without prejudice no formal action taken in view of explanations received, and that utmost care will be exercised to avoid repetition.
Chili sauceInformalExcess benzoic acid preservative to the extent of 500 p.p.m.Formal sample taken.
Apple juice.InformalPresenoe of added carbon dioxide not disclosed on labelNo formal action in view of undertaking that labels will be revised when reprinted.
Chili sauceFormalExcess benzoic acid to the extent of 700 p.p.m.Importers not to import until independent analyses are satisfactory.
Pork sausagesInformalPresence of preservative not disclosed.Vendor warned that notice must be exhibited in shop.
Eucalyptus OilInformalCineole 57% instead of not less than 70%.Vendor warned, and existing stocks withheld from sale pending discussions with manufacturers.
LanolinInformalNot more than 60% Lanolin. Consisted of a skin cream made from lanolin, mineral oil and other ingredients. Description misleading.Vendor warned, and existing stocks withheld from sale pending discussions with manufacturers.

Food and Drugs Act, 1955
FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, 1955 (Section 16)
This Section provides for registration of premises for the sale, manufacture for sale or storage
of ice cream, or the preparation or manufacture of sausages or potted, pressed, pickled or preserved
food intended for sale. 148 such premises were registered at the end of the year.

The following table shows the type of business carried on

Nature of BusinessNo. of premises registered
Sale and storage of pre-packed ice cream78
Sale and storage of ice cream4
Selecting and sorting of sausage casings10
Preparation and cooking of jellied eels and shellfish13
Cooking of hams1
Cooking of Beetroot1
Manufacture of sausages, dripping and cooked meats, and brining of meat.38
Cooking, smoking and canning of meat products1
Manufacture of pies1
Smoking of bacon1

Regulations made under these Acts prescribe designations referred to as 'Grade designations"
indicating the quality of certain articles of agricultural or fishery produce. Such
regulations contain definitions of the quality indicated by every "grade designation" thereby
prescribed and specify a "grade designation mark" to represent each grade designation".
The Acts also stipulate that all "preserved" eggs shall be so marked before being offered
for sale and that all premises used for the cold storage or chemical storage of eggs shall be
registered with the local authority. The premises of one firm are so registered in the City of
London. No difficulty was experienced in the administration of these Acts.