London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of ]

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AGE.PERIODSNotifications on For A.Notifications on Form B.†Number of Notifications on Form C.
Number of Primary Notifications.*Total Notifications on Form A.Number of Primary Notifications.*Total Notifications on Form B.Poor Law InstitutionsSanatoria.
0 to 11 to 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2020 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 and upwardsTotal Primary Notifications.Under 55 to 1010 to 15Total Primary Notifications.
Pulmonary Males............1123233....1518............Nil.Nil.....6
„ Females................2....1....1........49............,,l4
Non.pulmonary Males................................................................,,....3
„ „ Females....................................................................1
Col. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)

Patients notified as suffering from both pulmonary and non.pulmonary disease have been included among the " pulmonary " returns only.
All notifications on Form D have been disregarded in preparing this return.
* Primary notifications relate to patients who have not previously been notified in this or former years, either on Form A or on Form B, in the area to which the
return relates. Any additional notification of a case which has been previously notified in the area is regarded as duplicate. (Note.—No primary notifications
should be made on Form C.)
† A School Medical Inspector, or the Medical Officer of Health of a county, county borough, or other district, if acting as a School Medical Inspector, is required to
notify on Form B all cases of tuberculosis discovered in the course of inspection of children attending public elementary schools whether or not these have
previously been notified.
Cols. 2.13. Only those cases which have been notified for the first time during the year on Form A in the area concerned, and which have never previously been
notified in the area, either on Form A or on Form B, have been included in these columns.
Col. 14. The object of this column is to show the extent to which duplicate notification of the same case occurs on Form A, and all notifications on Form A,
whether duplicate or not, are included in this column.
Cols. 15.18. Only those cases which have been notified for the first time during the year on Form B in the area concerned, nnd which have never previously been
notified in the area, either on Form A or on Form B, have been included in these columns.
Col. 19. All notifications which have been made during the year on Form B in the area concerned, whether the cases have previously been notified in the area, or
not, either on Form A or on Form B, have been included in this column.