London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1907

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of ]

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accommodation not to assemble before 4 p.m., and they are now admitted an
hour earlier, viz., 4 p.m. instead of 5 p.m. as heretofore. These alterations
have effected considerable improvement in lessening the nuisance complained of.
In the course of the year 341 plans for the proposed reconstruction of
water-closets and drains were submitted for approval.
With modification in certain cases, these were agreed to and the works
carried out. In sixteen cases, however, it was found that plans for waterclosets
were not in accordance with the Corporation Bye-laws, and were
Overcrowding is a nuisance dealt with under Section 2, (1), (c) of the
Public Health (London) Act, 1901, and nineteen cases were reported during
the year. Notices of abatement being served, the overcrowding was
discontinued in each instance.
Several of these were discovered during a room to room inspection at the
Artizans' Dwellings at Stoney Lane.
In seven cases only, out of 1,185 Notices issued during the year by the
District Inspectors, was it found necessary in consequence of non-compliance
to refer the matter to the City Solicitor with a view to taking such steps as he
deemed necessary to ensure the required sanitary improvement being carried
out. With one exception—now being dealt with—the Notices were
subsequently complied with without the matter being taken into Court.

The following are the cases referred to :—

1-14, Barbican- Drainage defects -Drainage relaid.
26, Cloth Fair- Non-registration of tenement house.Notice complied with.
Bartholomew Place- Defective paving of private court.Court repaved.
50, Moorgate Street- Defective drain -In Solicitor's hands.
2, Shaftesbury Place- Overcrowding -Overcrowding abated.
36, Primrose Street- Defective drains and water-closet.Notice complied with.
29, Milk Street- Dry rot in floors of basement -Concrete floor substituted.