London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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Vital Statistics—
Population—Marriages—Births—Deaths—Infant Mortality 5
Infectious Diseases—
Typhus—Smallpox—Chickenpox 6
Measles—Whooping-cough—Scarlet Fever—Diphtheria—Diarrhoea
and Enteritis—Puerperal Fever and Pyrexia 8
Statistical Tables 10
Enteric Fevers—Anthrax—Cerebro-Spinal Fever—Encephalitis
Lethargica—Polioencephalitis—Poliomyelitis 12
Influenza—Rheumatic Fever—Yellow Fever—Cancer 13
Tuberculosis 13
Common and Seamen's Lodging Houses 15
Homeless Persons 19
Verminous Lodgers 23
Milk and Dairies Act 23
Statistical Information 24
Sanitary Officers 26
Drainage By-laws 27
Venereal Diseases 28
Tuberculosis 32
Dispensaries (Analysis of Returns) 36
Laboratory Work 40
Mental Deficiency Acts 43
Blind Persons Act 48
Midwives Acts and Children Acts—Nursing Homes Registration Act—
Adoption of Children Act 50
Chemical Branch 56