London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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95. Claims made by one hundred and sixty-two officers and employees for
repayment of superannuation contributions under section 10 (1) of the Asylums
Officers' Superannuation Act were allowed. The total amount so repaid was
£1,501 1s. 6d.
96. Ninety-eight applications from women officers and employees leaving to
be married, for return of their contributions, as permitted by section 10 (2) of the
Asylums Officers' Superannuation Act, were granted. The sums returned amounted
to £2,364 9s. 2d.
97. In fourteen cases the application for return of contributions could not be
acceded to owing to the circumstances in which the services of the applicants had
been terminated.
98. The Council granted, under the provisions of section 4 (a) of the Act of
1909, gratuities, totalling £1,239 2s. 10d., to the dependants of five employees who
had died in the service.
99. Twenty-seven persons in receipt of pensions under these Acts died during
the year 1929-1930.
100. Written sanction to remove, under section 6 of the Act of 1909, was given
to fifteen officers and employees who were transferring to the service of other
101. For the purpose of determining the yearly average salary or wages as
indicated by section 16 of the 1909 Act, full scale rates of pay have been used since
1st October, 1929 ; before that date the amounts actually paid in salaries or wages
(allowing for reduced sick pay, etc.) were used for this purpose. Similarly, from the
same date the contributions paid currently by members of the staff have been calculated
on the full scale rate of pay, not upon such reduced payments of salary or
wages as actually may have been received during a period of absence with sick-pay.

Income and expenditure. 102. The income and expenditure on maintenance account upon mental hospitals, etc., during the year ended 31st March, 1930, is shown in the following table in comparison with the amounts for the previous ten years:—

Year ended 31 st March.Income.Expenditure.Tear ended 31st March.IncomeExpenditure.

103. A detailed statement of the accounts for the year ended 31st March,
1930, is shown with other accounts of the Council in the published Abstract of
Accounts (see Vol. V.).
Cost of maintenance.
104. The charge made by the Council to London boards of guardians on 31st
March, 1929, for the maintenance of parish patients in the mental hospitals was
26s. l0d. a head a week and this has remained unchanged throughout the year.
105. As the charge for in-county parish patients has exceeded the limit of
14s. a week, prescribed by section 283 of the Lunacy Act, 1890, the same charge
has been made for patients chargeable to out-county parishes.
106. The charge made for female private patients in the private ward at
Horton mental hospital, which on 31st March, 1929, was 35s. Od. a head a week, has
remained unchanged throughout the year.
107. The charges made for male private patients in the private section of
Claybury mental hospital (other than those on the "private list") which on 31st March,
of contributions.
Sanction to
Basis of
of average
Income and
Statement of
Cost of maintenance.
Charges for