London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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The following statement shows an analysis of the 455 cases for admission to special (P.D.) schools, in which the children were either returned to elementary schools or invalided:—

Morbid conditions.Elementary school.Invalided.Morbid conditions.Elementaryschool.Invalided
Tuberculosis, actual or suspected of bones, joints, glands, etc.2610Kidney disease22
Skin conditions22
Various chest conditions,103
Congenital deformities3216bronchiectasis, empyema, etc.
Rickets and deformities from this cause88
Infantile paralysis148
Fragilitas ossium01Cerebral paralysis225
Osteomyelitis54Various other paralyses72
Various traumata82Epilepsy41
Heart, congenital disease1211Encephalitis lethargica65
„ valvular disease3824Pseudo-hypertrophic muscular dystrophy23
„ non-valvular disease3010
Ansamia30Miscellaneous—Nervous conditions, ataxia, etc.4319
Rheumatism and chorea3312

There were also 578 cases returned on improvement to elementary schools or, when over 14 years of age, excluded as no longer certifiable ; the details are as follows:

Special School Classification.P.D.M.D.Blind.Deaf.Sight Saving.Hard of Hearing.Total.
Returned on improvement to elementary schools16125111210210
Over 14 years of age, excluded as no longer certifiable.20611922390368

Rota visits
to the
The special schools were visited at least once a quarter and every child present
was seen at least once during the year, the total examinations amounting to 17,831;
in addition 671 special examinations were made of children already on the rolls of
special schools in connection with applications for non-enforcement of attendance
at special schools and for similar reasons.

As a result of the visits and re-examinations the following re-classification took place:

Transferred from Schools forRe-classified as:
P.D.M.D.Sight saving.Blind.Deaf.Hard of hearing.White Oak, Swan ley.Open- air School.Epileptic Colony.Feeble minded detrimental.
Sight saving2411
Hard of hearing215

49 children were excluded as imbecile and 54 were invalided on medical grounds.
The following table shows the number of children who improved to such an
extent that they were able to return from the special (P.D.) schools to the ordinary
of P.D.