London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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fact that they scored unduly high on verbal tests. The 12-year-old group comprises
most of those subsequently transferred to mental hospitals ; there was one
victim of encephalitis lethargica in the series. A long history of irrational, violent
and incorrigible conduct, without adequate motivation, and not amenable to training,
rewards, or punishment, had formed the basis of diagnosis in their cases. Every
effort was, of course, made to exclude any cause for their irresponsible behaviour
other than innate mental abnormality.
The disposal of the women certified is at the discretion of the magistrates who
almost invariably, however, accept the suggestion of the Council's officers.

Disposal of cases.

Country cases discharged to other local authorities4
Guardianship of parent1
Sent to prison2
Bound over1
Ordered institutional care under Mental Deficiency Acts, now:—
Transferred to asylums5
Sent to State criminal institution5
On licence2
On trial in hostel2
To guardianship1
Temporarily in Pool Law infirmaries or hospitals3
Still in institutions for the mentally defective24

Blind Persons Act.
training, etc.

During the year 157 persons over school age were seen and certificates furnished in the undermentioned cases:—

Training of the blind7426
Application for grant-1
Blind register11
Home workers' scheme21
Homes for the blind-7

Twenty-three males and 19 females were rejected either because they were
not certifiable as blind within the meaning of the Act, or were physically or mentally
unfit for training. One case was referred for re-examination which will take place
in 1930, and in another case the application was withdrawn. Advice was given
as to the trades in which applicants for training should severally be placed, having
regard to the prospects of future employment.
Work of the Chemical Branch.
The work of this branch is carried out at four laboratories, viz., the central
laboratory at County Hall, the laboratories at the Northern and Southern Outfalls
and at the Greenwich power station.
A large proportion of the work performed at the central laboratory consists
of the examination of samples of stores supplied under contract to the Council's
many depots and stations. Specifications have been revised so as to bring them
closely into touch with modern conditions and requirements and to ensure that the
goods demanded shall, as nearly as possible, be in accord with the specification.