London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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10 (2) of the Asylums Officers' Superannuation Act of 1909, were granted. The
sums returned amounted in total to £2,970 16s. 7d.
99. The Council granted, under section 4 of the Act of 1909, gratuities to the
widows of two members of the established staff who had died from illness while in
the service and who had served for at least 10 years, and in whose cases it was
medically certified that had they survived their illnesses they would have remained
permanently incapacitated for further asylum duty, and therefore that had they
retired at the date of death they would have been entitled to pension. The aggregate
of these gratuities was £288 7s. 4d.
100. Nine persons in receipt of pensions under these Acts died during the year
Sanction to
101. Written sanction to remove, under section 6 of the Act of 1909, was given
to three officers and employees who were transferring to the services of other asylum

102. The income and expenditure on maintenance account upon mental hospitals, etc., during the year ended 31st March, 1927, is shown in the following table in comparison with the amounts for the previous ten years :—

Year ending 31st March.Income.Expenditure.Year ending 31st March.IncomeExpenditure.

Income and expenditure.
Income and
Statement of
103. A detailed statement of the accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1927, is
shewn with other accounts of the Council in the published abstract of Accounts
(see Vol. V.).
Cost of maintenance.
Cost of maintenance.
104. The charge made by the Council to London boards of guardians at 31st
March, 1926, for the maintenance of parish patients in the mental hospitals was
26s. 10d. a head a week. This charge was increased from 1st April, 1926, to 28s. 7d.,
at which figure it stood at 31st March, 1927.
105. As the charges for in-county parish patients have exceeded the limit of
14s. a week, prescribed by section 283 of the Lunacy Act, 1890, the same charges
have been made for patients chargeable to out-county parishes.
Charges for
106. The charge made at Horton mental hospital for female private patients
in the private ward, which at 31st March, 1926, was 35s. a head a week, was increased
from 1st April, 1926 to 36s. 2d. a head a week.
107. At Claybury Hall the charge made for male private patients, which, at
31st March, 1926, was 56s.aweek forthose having a London settlement, and 59s. 6d.
a week for out-county patients, has remained unchanged throughout the year.
list" cases.
108. The charges for "private list" cases (those admitted chargeable to a
parish, who, having a settlement in or status of irremovability from a London parish,
are able to pay the full cost of maintenance or perhaps a little more, as a contribution
to capital expenses which are not included in cost of maintenance) have been at the
minimum, the charge current for parish patients, and, at the maximum, 4s. 1d. a
week in excess of that charge.
H. F. Keene,
Chief Officer.
R. Dunn Gardner,