London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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National Assistance Act, 1948
Section 50 - Burials
During the year 1964 the Department carried out 78 burials at a gross cost of
£1,077. 7s. 8d which represents an average of £13. 5s. 5d per burial.

£1,034.19s. 8d was recovered from the following sources:-

Death grants367.17.1
Assurance Companies16.9.7
Private persons133.0.6
Arrears of Pensions47.7.6
Post Office Savings Bank26.4.3
Cash on body or at home65.0.3

Although no smoke control areas came into operation during 1964, towards the
latter part of the year area No. 6 comprising an area of 367 acres covering Wards
3 and 6 was confirmed by the Minister to come into operation on the 1st October, 1965.
This area now links up with the southernmost smoke control area which forms area
No. 3.
During the year the whole aspect of conversions to comply with Smoke Control
Orders were reviewed by the Minister in the light of the anticipated decline of open
fire fuels over the next five to ten years. Local authorities are now permitted to
pay larger amounts to encourage the installation of solid fuel appliances that are
capable of burning hard coke (the main solid smokeless fuel that will be in plentiful
supply), gas fires and also electric off-peak storage heaters, direct acting electric
fires have now been excluded from grant assistance by Ministry directive.
With the coming of area No. 6 into operation, approximately two-thirds of the
Borough is within a smoke control area.