London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Causes of deathAges - Both Sexes
Under 1 year1–45–1415–2425–4445–6465–7475–Total
All causes58431070292331479645S02
1. Tuberculosis, respiratory132253
2. Tuberculosis, other11
3. Syphilitic disease112
4. Diphtheria
5. Whooping cough
6. Meningococcal Infections
7. Acute poliomyelitis
8. Measles
9. Other infective and parasitic diseases11
10. Malignant neoplasm, stomach61587239
11. Malignant neoplasm, lung, bronchus14729217721
12. Malignant neoplasm, breast155617
13. Malignant neoplasm, uterus6410
14. Other malignant and lymphatic neoplasms1133748426477
15. Leukaemia, aleukaemia13233
16. Diabetes1168
17. Vascular lesions of nervous system21941615667
18. Coronary disease, angina759809414397
19. Hypertension with heart disease––1524
20. Other heart disease1321623503164
21. Other circulatory disease41414422846
22. Influenza11
23. Pneumonia1121012583855
24. Bronchitis11724325618
25. Other diseases of respiratory system1162688
26. Ulcer of stomach and duodenum123262
27. Gastritis, enteritis and diarrhoea1132135
28. Nephritis and nephrosis1113235
29. Hyperplasia of prostate145
30. Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion11
31. Congenital malformations12112189
32. Other defined and ill defined diseases3111111714224849
33. Motor vehicle accidents1222245
34. All other accidents266691811
35. Suicide732194
36. Homicide and operations of war1212