London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Pull recovery of costs together with administrative charges was secured in
sixty-five cases,, and varying amounts in six others. In nine cases nothing was
The net cost to the Council was thus £52,, 2s.l0d an average of 13s. per
During the course of the year Dr. Tracy and I carry out a number of examinations
to determine whether new entrants to the Council s service are fit for
superannuation purposes- We also examine personnel for the London Electricity
Board the Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee and the Valuation Panel,
During the year I have been asked on two occasions to examine persons living in
the neighbourhood who were accepting positions in Borough Councils elsewhere. I
have carried out these examinations for it is the usual practice for Councils to
help each other in this way on a reciprocal basis.
The number of special examinations is stated as 8 but I would inform the
Council that a vast amount of correspondence has to be carried out with private
doctors and with hospitals to ascertain the fitness of members of the staff who
have been off duty for some while. The conditions we have to deal with cover a
wide range of disease including cases of cancer tuberculosis, diseases of the
eye, surgical and medical conditions The Committee will realise that information
we receive is of course entirely confidential and we can only give to the Committee
medical details provided we have the authority of the person concerned. By and
large we have to confine ourselves to stating whether in our opinion the person
is rightly off duty, when he is likely to return and the extent to which in future
he will be able to carry out his duties

The following table summarises the work that has been carried out during the year:-

Special Examinations
Fit to resume work3
Unfit for work5
The Total of 111 is made up as follows:-
Borough Council staff69
Electricity Board staff37
Valuation Panel2
Examination for Cornwall1
Examination for York1