London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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School Treatment Centres in St. Pancras.

(By appointment only.Application in first instance to Divisional Treatment Organiser.)
VisionHighgate New Town Clinic, Chester Road, N.19.
St. Pancras Clinic, 26, Prince of Wales Road, N.W.5.
Somers Town Treatment Centre, Chalton Street, N.W.1.
>DentalHighgate New Town Clinic.
St. Pancras Clinic.
Somers Town Treatment Centre.
NutritionHighgate New Town Clinic.
Somers Town Treatment Centre.
RheumatismHampstead General Hospital, Bayham Street, N.W.1.
EarsRoyal National Throat, Nose, and Ear Hospital, Gray's
Inn Road, W.C.1.
Tonsils and AdenoidsHighgate Hospital, Dartmouth Park Hill,N.W.5.
Minor AilmentsHighgate New Town Clinic.
St Pancras Clinic.

Somers Town Treatment Centre.
* Children can attend for treatment any time during working hours and are seen
by the doctor on his next attendance.
Ambulance Facilities.
The London County Council, as local health authority, is responsible under Section 27
of the National Health Service Act, 1946, for the provision of ambulance facilities within
the administrative county of London.
The Home Service Ambulance Department (Order of St. John of Jerusalem and British
Red Cross Society) and the Hospital Car Service, act as agents of the County Council in supplying
some of the ambulance and car transport provided under the Act. The Headquarters of
the London Ambulance Service are at The County Hall, Westminster Bridge, S.E.I.

Ambulances may be summoned as follows :—

(1) Accidents Sudden illness in the streets, public places or places of employment. (Note.—For sudden illness in the home a doctor, not an ambulance, should be summonedDial " 999" (or follow the instructions given on the telephone instrument) and ask for " AMBULANCE."
(2) Maternity patients (who have booked a bed in a" hospital or maternity home) Very urgent illness in the home (provided a medical practitioner certifies that the case is one of life or death and arrangements have been made with a hospital for the patient's admission)Telephone— WATerloo 6000 CENtral 6301 REGent 4000 RELiance 3622 or NEW Cross 2645
(3) Illness, infectious disease, etc.—Telephone, the Emergency Bed ServiceMONarch 3000.
This applies also to patients being discharged from hospital or attending there as out-patients.