London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Of the total of 2,329 St. Pancras deaths which occurred during the year, no less
than 1,637 took place in public institutions ; this equals 70 per cent, of the total deaths.
As compared with the previous year there was an increase in the number of deaths due to
Influenza and Pneumonia, and a decrease in those attributed to Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Measles,
Cancer, Heart Diseases and digestive diseases.
Deaths of Aged Persons.
The corrected number of deaths of residents at 65 years of age and upwards, which
occurred during the year 1937 was 1,144, which is 0"6 per cent, of the total population. Of
these 557 were between the ages of 65 and 75; 460 were between the ages of 75 and 85, and
127 were 85 years of age and upwards.
Ward Deaths and Death Rates.

The number of deaths and the death rates per 1000 of population for each of the Wards during the past year were as follows, the figures for the preceding year being also given for comparison :—

Deaths.Death Rate. (UNADJDSTKD.)Deaths.Death Rate. (Unadjusted.)

Deaths of Persons of unknown addresses, etc., included in the
Mortality Statistics.

The following deaths have been included in the Mortality Statistics of the Borough in accordance with the Registrar-General's rules relating to "Transferable Deaths " :—

Various Asylums15
St. Pancras Hospital25
High gate Hospital3
Royal Free Hospital1
University College Hospital4
St Margaret's Hospital1
Hainpstead General Hospital, Bayham Street1
Hospital for Tropical Diseases2
14,Fitzroy Square1
Found dead, L.M.S. Station, Euston1
„ „ No. 1 Pond, Highgate1

The deaths from Cancer in the Borough during the year 1937 numbered 337, as
compared with 361 in 1936. Particulars concerning this disease, as regards Age, Sex,
Situation of Disease and Wards, are set out in the following Table :—