London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Of twenty-four samples examined in St. Pancras, two were found to contain 25 and
33 parts per million of lead respectively, and were therefore certified as adulterated. It is
of the utmost importance to maintain such a popular delicacy as the sardine in the highest
condition of purity, and fish containing such a large amount of toxic metal as lead cannot
be dealt with too drastically.
Sausages.— In all, fifty-three samples of sausages were examined and nine were found
to have been preserved with a sulphite preservative without due notice having been given to
the purchaser, and were certified accordingly. The quantity of sulphite found varied from
27 to 480 parts per million of sulphur di-oxide. When notice is given to the purchaser,
sausages are allowed to contain as much as 450 parts per million, but, in one case where the
sausages were not marked "Preserved" there was such an amount of preservative present
that clearly indicated that the preservative had been thrown in to the sausage contents in a
very haphazard fashion, which is just the proceeding that the Preservatives Regulations
were intended to stop. A further instance of this carelessness was found in a sample sold
as "Preserved Sausages" where the sulphite present was 520 parts per million, an excess of
70 parts per million above the permissible quantity. It has been shown that when preservative
is added to sausage meat there is a very rapid disappearance of the preservative at first,
so that it may be assumed that when it comes into the Analyst's hands he finds very much
less than that originally added and probably much less than some of the purchasers may have
already consumed. I need hardly say how exceedingly reprehensible the reckless addition is,
and how extremely injurious to health it may be to persons who react somewhat easily to the
particular compound used.
In addition, two samples of liver sausage contained 123 and 215 parts per million of
sulphur di-oxide respectively.
I make no apology for again referring to the urgent necessity for the appointment of
a small Official Committee, which should be empowered to fix and revise Standards for Food.
It is only necessary to instance such things as vinegar, cream, cheese, and other articles of
daily consumption, for which, at present, there is no Official Standard. Although the honest
vendor does his best to provide his customers with the genuine article, properly described,
there are unscrupulous persons who continue to hoodwink the public and yet are able to
remain under the cover of the law, as it stands at present.