London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Dr. Maitland Radford was appointed Vaccination Officer in place of Mr. A. E. Wolfe,
who died on '24th June.
In consequence of the extra work devolving upon the Public Health Department, the
Council authorised the appointment of an additional Grade D Clerk, and Mr. V. R. Meurice
was promoted to the position. The vacancy thus created was filled by Mr. C. W. Smith
Miss M. W. J. Luxmoork, Tuberculosis Nurse, resigned, and Mrs. E. Bevan was
appointed in May to take her place.
As a matter of interest it may be recorded that a member of the clerical staff, Mr.
J. A. Hoare, was successful during the year in obtaining the certificate of the Royal Sanitary
Institute and the Sanitary Inspectors' Examinations Joint Board.
Dr. M. J. Pirret, who conducted consultations at Ampthill Square and Somers Town
Centres, resigned during the year, and Drs. K. H. Odling-Smee and Audrey E. Russell
respectively were appointed to take charge of these Clinics.