London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Bearding out of Contacts.
Since 1925 the London County Council has made arrangements to board out for
varying periods the following types of children : —
(а) Children living in heavily infected and overcrowded homes.
(b) Children about to be discharged from institutions where they have had
treatment for tuberculosis, in cases where their homes are unsuitable.
(c) "Weakly" children living under conditions likely to subject them to
(d) Children whose mothers are having institutional treatment for tuberculosis.
The arrangements are made by the Invalid Children's Aid Association on behalf of the
London County Council, and the number accepted and reported to the Care Committee
during 1936 was 12.
At the request of the Committee, National Health Insurance grants were obtained
for patients undergoing Institutional treatment, in order that they could have a little pocket
money, to enable them to settle down more quickly. Pocket money amounting to £.8 11s. Od.
was granted to seven patients by the Care Committee while they were in sanatoria. With
the co-operation of the North St. Pancras School for Mothers a holiday was arranged for the
wife and child of a patient who had never had a holiday before. Twenty-one names were
submitted to the St. Puncras Needy Fund at Christmas, and generous gifts were received in
all cases.
Seal Sales.
The Care Committee again partook in this scheme for raising funds, organised by the
National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. The proceeds up to December, 1936,
are shown in the following Statement:—