London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1922

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Examinations of sputum have also been made at the tuberculosis dispensaries (see
page 45).
Facilities for the examination of cerebrospinal fluid in suspected cases of cerebrospinal
fever, &c., are available to the Medical Officer of Health through the London County Council
laboratory, and for the examination of the blood in suspected malaria through the Ministry
of Health.
The chemical work of the Public Analyst (Mr. J. Kear Colwell, F.I.C.) in connection
with the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts is referred to on page 76.
Cordial co-operation exists between the work of the Council and the voluntary agencies
performing work of public health and social importance. These agencies include the various
hospitals and dispensaries, the local District Nursing Associations, the Maternity Nursing
Association, the Invalid Children's Aid Association, the Charity Organisation Society, the
British Red Cross, the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, the National Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Invalid Kitchens, the Mary Ward Settlement,
Lyndhurst Hall, &c. Voluntary agencies subsidised by the Council are referred to
particularly in Section If of this Report (Maternity and Child Welfare).
Home Nursing.
As regards district nursing, the Borough comprises the whole of the district of the
Central St. Pancras District Nursing Association, and large portions of the districts of the
Metropolitan Nursing Association, the Hampstead District Nursing Association, and the North
London Nursing Association. The associations were paid by the Council or the Mayoress'
Nursing Fund for the nursing of cases of measles, whooping cough, ophthalmia neonatorum,
infantile diarrhoea, influenza and pneumonia, but the bulk of their work is supported by voluntary
funds. The home nursing is of very great public health importance, and the need for its extension
and support from public funds is very great. The home nursing work done during 1922
in St. Pancras is indicated by the following figures:—
No. of cases No. of home
nursed. visits paid.
Central St. Pancras District Nursing Association 287 2,856
Metropolitan Nursing Association (St. Pancras cases) 133 922
Hampstead District Nursing Association (St. Pancras
cases) 59 748
North London Nursing Association (St. Pancras cases) 92 500
The Council took over from the Mayoress' Nursing Fund, as from 1st April, the
responsibility of paying the Nursing Associations for the home nursing of cases of measles,
whooping cough and ophthalmia neonatorum. Payment is made at the rate of Is. 6d.
a visit.
Reference is made on page 17 to the work of the voluntary hospitals.
The housing situation constitutes perhaps the gravest public health problem in St. Pancras
and forms part of the larger problem of London housing. The 1921 census returns, to which
reference is made at page 9 (see also tables on pages 104-113) show that there is a very
grave deficiency of houses in the borough, and there is, therefore, most urgent need for the building
of new houses. The amount of land available for this purpose in the borough is limited, and
St. Pancras must necessarily depend to a great extent on the general situation in Greater London