London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1921

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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The names of the staff of the Public Health Department at the end of 1921 will be found
on pages 5 and 6.
Dr. G. T. Calthrop, Tuberculosis Officer, resigned his position in July, but continued
to act until 1st October. His place was taken from 3rd October by Dr. G. F. Hardy, M.C.,
who was appointed temporarily.
Dr. Gladys Miall-Smith, Assistant Medical Officer for Maternity and Child Welfare, left
the Council's service on 19th November, in consequence of her marriage. Her medical consultations
at the Council's Centres were undertaken temporarily by part-time medical officers.
In consequence of the same resolution of the Council on the subject of the employment
of married women whose husbands were in a position to support them, Mrs. Barrett and
Mrs. Cook, assistants at the Personal Cleansing Station, and Mrs. Reid, assistant at the Prospect
Terrace Baths, left in July.
Mrs. Baxter's place was filled temporarily and Mrs. A. Wright and Mrs. A. Styles were
appointed at the Cleansing Station on 13th July. Mrs. Wright afterwards resigned and Mrs. L.
Blaby was appointed in her place on 16th November. Mrs. L. Arnold was appointed in Mrs.
Reid's place on 13th July.
Miss H. Payne, sanitary inspector, left the Council's service at the end of May in consequence
of her approaching marriage, and Miss A. Holland was appointed in her place on 22nd
June. Miss G. B. Steggles, temporary health visitor, left on grounds of health on 24th December.
Miss M. Deed was appointed on 26th January to the new post of secretary and general
assistant to the Tuberculosis Officer. Mrs. F. E. Henderson, clerk, left on 25th October in consequence
of her approaching marriage, and Miss A. Andrews was appointed in her place on
30th November.
Mr. J. Evans, caretaker at the Council dwellings, Flaxman Terrace, left the service on
13th July, and Mr. C. Hanson was appointed as his successor on 5th October.
Staff at the Maternity and Child Welfare Centres.
Miss A. Mullock Jones was appointed as superintendent of the Maternity Nursing Association
Centre on 26th January, upon the resignation of Miss M. Andrews. Miss Mullock Jones
was transferred to the position of superintendent of the Mary Ward Settlement School for
Mothers in August, and Miss M. Templeton, superintendent of the latter centre, took her place
as superintendent of the Maternity Nursing Association Centre.
Miss A. Kennedy, assistant health visitor at the Argyle Square group of centres, resigned
in March, and Mrs. M. Ashwood Smith was appointed in her place on 25th May. Miss F. T.
Peacock, assistant health visitor at the same group of centres, resigned in June and Mrs. S.
Kahan was appointed in her place on 22nd June. Shortly afterwards Mrs. Kahan was transferred
to the Camden Town Centre, Miss Blair, of the latter centre, taking her place at the
Argyle Square group. Mrs. Ashwood Smith was transferred in December to the Ampthill
Square Centre, Mrs. Chapman, of the latter centre, taking her place at the Argyle Square group.
It is with great regret that I have to record the death, in May, 1921, of Miss E. L. Savory,
superintendent of the Chalton Street centre. Miss Savory had been in charge of that centre
from its opening in 1918, had given devoted service and had gained the esteem and affection
of all who had been brought in contact with her. Miss M. Manger, assistant at the centre,
was promoted to be superintendent on 25th May, and Miss M. A. Clarke was appointed as assistant
health visitor in her place on 22nd June.
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