London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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the pulmonary forms of tuberculosis, and is limited to those
who have every prospect of returning to work six months after
completion of sanatorium treatment. Chronic cases are not
Single men and women who are not entitled to any National
Health benefit whilst undergoing treatment in an institution
are eligible for pocket money up to 5/- per week.
812 patients received assistance under the schcme.
Handicraft Class
A Handicraft Class is maintained by the Care Committee
where tuberculous patients who are not fit for normal work, are
taught to make articles which they can sell. The Class
meets at the Wandsworth Dispensary every Monday afternoon
from 2.30 to 4.30. The Class is conducted under the
supervision of the Secretary and an Instructress. The crafts
taught include the making of articles in leather, embroidery,
knitting, felt work and the making of gloves.
Of the 4,482 births which occurred during the year, 4,081
or 91.05 per cent were visited by the Health Visitors. The
total number of visits made by these officers for all purposes.
was 42,653. In addition they attended at Clinics, etc., on
2,495 occasions.
There are 10 Infant Welfare Centres, and nine Antenatal
Clinics in operation in the Borough. The number of
attendances made at these Clinics was 52,839 and 7,174 respectively.
Post-natal attendances were 346.
A Dental Clinic is held at the Municipal Buildings for
expectant and nursing mothers and children under five years
of age. Patients attending the Clinic are required to pay one
shilling each time they attend. If dentures are necessary,
the patients are assessed on their income in accordance with
a scale approved by the Council. 518 patients were seen for
the first time, and the number of attendances made at the
Clinic by all patients was 1,437. 51 women were granted assistance
towards the cost of their dentures the Council contributing
£134. 3s. Od.