London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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1,080 complaints of the presence of rats were investigated
by the Council's rat catchers who made 2,712 visits and laid
The Mortuary at Wandsworth was used throughout the
year, and 262 bodies were received there.
As Medical Referees under the Crematorium Regulations,
1930, Dr. MacDonnell and I have authorised 391 cremations,
which took place at the. Crematorium at Putney Vale Cemetery.
Work in connection with housing has again been on a
reduced scale, but 8,317 dwelling-houses were inspected for
defects by the Sanitary Inspectors, the total number of inspections
made being 16,477. 2,728 houses were found not in all
respects reasonably fit for human habitation, and of these 129
were rendered fit without the service of any notice.
It was necessary to serve intimation notices under the
Public Health (London) Act, 1936, in respect of 2,217 houses,
and in 212 houses the service of nuisance notices was necessary.
94 dwellings were recorded as overcrowded at the end
of the year. 11 of the above were new cases.
One case of overcrowding, representing 5 persons has
been abated during the year. The smallness of this number
is accounted for by all available accommodation being required
for bombed-out families.
There are four inspectors engaged in the supervision of
the food supply.
The number of separate food premises is 2,372, and during
1945 they were inspected on 27,125 occasions.