London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Special records are kept of all premature infants. They
are visited as soon as notified and kept under observation by
the Health Visitors until they are satisfied that they are
making satisfactory progress.
There were 124 premature births, during the year, 34 having
occurred at home and 90 in hospitals. Of those born at home, 28
were nursed at home; and 27 lived through the first month! of life.
Of those born in Hospitals, 21 died in the first 24 hours and
10 others during the first month ; 93 survived and are alive
and well.
For some years past the Council has paid grants, on a
per capita basis, to the Southwark Diocesan Association
towards the maintenance of unmarried mothers whose homes
are in the Borough. For the three years 1942 to 1944,
grants amounting to £281. 8s. 5d. were paid.
In Circular 286G dated 1st October, 1943, the Minister of
Health requested Welfare Authorities to give special consideration
to the problems arising under war conditions in
connection with illegitimate children, and suggested that the
most promising line of attack would be to reinforce the work of
existing voluntary moral welfare associations.
The Metropolitan Boroughs' Standing Joint Committee.
after investigating . the matter on behalf of the London
B'oroughs, came to the conclusion that the work of the
voluntary organisations was hampered by lack of funds and
decided to recommend each Council to grant increased
financial assistance to the Associations on the basis of rateable
The amount apportioned to Wandsworth on this basis
was £343 per annum and the Council agreed' to pay this amount
from the 1st January, 1945 as annual grant to the Southwark
Diocesan Association in lieu of the per capita grants previously
The Council's Maternity Home, was re-opened at the
end of February, having been closed since August 1944.