London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1940

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Tuberculosis Dispensaries.
Institutional Treatment. The number of patients who
received institutional treatment under the London County Council's
Tuberculosis Scheme during 1940 was as follows:—
(a) In Hospitals for observation 17
(b) In Sanatoria 301
(c) In L.C.C. General Hospitals 173
In addition to the above, a few patients were treated in
private and voluntary hospitals.
Further details of the work carried out during the year are
given below:—
1. Number of patients transferred from other areas,
including " lost sight of " cases returned 133
2. Number transferred to other areas or " lost sight of " 226
3. Number who died . 242
4. Number of cases recovered 52
5. Number under observation for more than two months 74
6. Total attendances at the Dispensaries 3865
7. Number of reports, etc., made on patients 3895
8. Attendances of patients at Institutions for :—
(a) Light treatment 254
(b) Other special forms of treatment 2840
9. Number of patients given Dental Treatment 33
10. Number of Personal Consultations with Doctors :—
(a) At Homes of Patients 407
(b) Otherwise . 1531
11. Number of other home visits by Tuberculosis Officers 600
12. Number of home visits by Health Visitors 4668
13. Number of Specimens of Sputum, etc., examined 1116
14. Number of X-ray examinations made 376
Co-operation with other Institutions. Two wards are
set aside in St. John's Hospital for the accommodation of Tuberculous
patients and the Tuberculosis Officer visits the patients
in these wards every week.
Cases requiring special investigation which can be carried
out in an Out-Patients' Department and those needing treatment
by artificial light or X-rays are referred to St. Thomas's Hospital.