London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1940

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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The number of deaths from Cancer and malignant disease
was 622—males 304, females 318. The death-rate was 2 29 per
1,000. There were 47 more deaths from this cause than in 1939.
1,631 deaths occurred from diseases of the Heart and Circulatory
System, compared with 1,575 in 1939. 1,257 of these
deaths were of persons over 65 years of age.
There were 524 deaths from Pneumonia, Bronchitis and other
diseases of the Respiratory System, an increase of 125 over the
number in 1939 which was 399. 32 infants under two years of
age died from these diseases.
674 deaths were attributed to violence. 500 of these were
caused by enemy action and 36 by road accidents. There were
54 suicides.
Insulin Treatment.
There are now three persons receiving treatment for Diabetes
at the Council's expense. The cost for the year 1940 was £8 8s.
Pernicious Anaemia.
One person has been provided with Neo-hepatex by the
Council at a cost of £2 14s.
Inquests and Deaths Certified by the Coroner.
Inquests were held on 134 persons who died in the Borough
and on 139 Borough Residents who died elsewhere. In 38 of these
a verdict of death from Natural Causes was returned, in 138
death was accidental, in 14 due to "misadventure" and five
were "found drowned."; there were 70 suicides, three executions,
two deaths from manslaughter and three from war wounds.
296 deaths which occurred in the Borough were certified
by the Coroner without inquest and a similar procedure was
adopted in respect of 79 Borough Residents who died elsewhere.
362 of these deaths were due to Natural Causes, nine were
accidental and four were due to "misadventure."