London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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The four Food Inspectors have been on duty continuously
throughout the year and have carried out a large number of
inspections of premises where trade in foodstuffs is carried on.
Since the outbreak of war the Inspectors have co-operated with
the Food Controller in dealing with the problems connected with
rationing and the control of foodstuffs in war time.
The number of inspections of food premises made during
the year was 34,843, an increase of over 11,000 over the number
made during the previous year. 22,297 visits were made to
markets and stalls of which there are 182 in the Borough. Many
of their visits were made at the week-ends, at times when much
business is done.
Milk and the Milk Supply.
There are 167 registered dairies in the Borough and 509
dairymen, about two-thirds of the latter being registered for the
sale of milk in bottles and cartons. Most of the milk sold by
retail is sent out in bottles filled in properly constructed dairies.
The quality of the milk is good. 1,032 samples were submitted
for analysis and only four of these were reported against. The
1,028 genuine samples gave an average fat content of 3.62.
Of the four samples reported against, two were formal and
two informal. The two formal samples were 14 and 27 per cent.
deficient in fat respectively. The vendors were prosecuted. One
of the two informal samples contained 3 per cent. extraneous
water; the other was 2 per cent. deficient in fat.
38 licences for the sale of tuberculin tested milk and 30 for
the sale of pasteurised milk were granted. 44 samples of pasteurised
milk were submitted for bacteriological examination and were
found to be up to standard.
There are now four private slaughterhouses in the Borough,
and since the outbreak of war a Wholesale Meat Depot has been
established at 666, Garratt Lane. The Inspectors made 1,354