London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Housing Act, 1936.
The Clearance of Insanitary Houses.
The re-development by the Council of the sites of the following
insanitary houses has been completed during the year:—
Felsham Road Area, Putney, comprising 88 flats.
Tooting Grove, No. 1 Area, Tooting, comprising 114 flats.
Greyhound Square and Barrow Road Areas, Streatham,
which have been developed as one site—42 flats and
eight shops have been erected.
Wandsworth Plain Area, Wandsworth. All the 91 insanitary
houses in this Area, which was declared in
January, 1934, have now been cleared, and rapid progress
is being made with the development of the remaining
section of the site by the Council. 76 more flats are in
course of erection, making a total of 149 flats on the
site, when the re-development is complete.
White Square, Clapham.
This site, 4.327 acres in extent, contained five insanitary
Areas which were declared in January, 1935. There were 100
insanitary houses in the five areas, and 66 "coloured grey" were
By the end of the year, 94 of the former and 62 of the latter
had been demolished. The site is being developed by the Council
and it is proposed to erect 181 flats and six shops on it. Several
of the blocks of flats have been erected and are now in occupation.
Salvador, No. 1 Area.
This Area, containing 23 insanitary houses, was the subject
of a Clearance Order made in 1937, as the Council decided not to
develop the site. Most of the houses on it have been vacated.
Carpenter's Place Area.
A Clearance Order was made in respect of this Area, which
contained 10 houses, in January, 1937, and eight of the houses
have now been vacated.