London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Staff. 3
Wandsworth, No. 1 Dr. C. F. Kirwan,
9, Melody Road,
Wandsworth, S.W. 18.
Wandsworth, No. 2 Dr. J. W. M Little,
248, Earlsfield Road,
Wandsworth, S.W. 18.
Swaffield Road Dr. J. W. M. Little,
Institution 248, Earlsfield Road,
Wandsworth, S.W. 18.
Two fresh appointments of Public Vaccinator have been
made during the year. Dr. J. W. M. Little has been appointed
in that capacity for Wandsworth No. 2 District, and to Swaffield
Road Institution, the vacancy being caused by the death of
Dr. H. A. Topalia. Dr. C. F. Kirwan has been appointed to
Wandsworth No. 1 District following the retirement of Dr. E. R.
Vaccination Officers.
Putney Mr. C. L. Taylor,
1, Crieff Road,
Wandsworth, S.W. 18.
The Medical Officer of Health has been appointed Vaccination
Officer for the rest of the Borough.
B 2