London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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56 Report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1935.
Miss Lemon, Ranyard Nurses.
Mrs. Arding.
Mrs. Cresswell.
Mrs. Dearman.
Mrs. Dixon.
Miss J. Duff, J.P.
Mrs. Duffell.
Mrs. V. Godber.
Mrs. Groom.
Dr. E. Higgins.
Mrs. H. Jeans.
Mrs. Laer.
Mrs. MacDonald.
Mrs. Marriott.
Mrs. Morton Clarke.
Mrs. Nicol.
A. A. Norman, Esq.
Officers of the Committee :—
Chairman : Miss J. Duff, J.P.
Vice-Chairman : Mrs. Cresswell.
Hon. Treasurer : Mrs. Dearman.
Secretary : Miss M. L. Baptie.
Meetings.—The Care Committee meets at the Council House,
East Hill, Wandsworth, on the first Friday in every month
at 3 p.m. The Finance Sub-committee and Handicraft Subcommittee
meet prior to the General Committee.
Summary of the Work Done.—Although assessments have
been abolished, the London County Council require a return to
be made to them giving the financial circumstances of patients
who are to undergo institutional treatment. A knowledge of these
particulars and of the home conditions under which the patients
live are factors which have a bearing on the treatment recommended.
Patients requiring dental treatment, which is a service provided
by the Borough Council, are still assessed by the Committee
who determine the amount of their contributions towards the