London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1935.
The number of cases brought to my notice during the year
October 1st, 1934, to September 30th, 1935, was 151.
Two cases died during the calendar year.
122 cases of German Measles were also reported.
Table XV. shows the number of cases of Measles and the
deaths from the disease for the last 10 years. The upper portion
of the Table, which gives the figures for each year commencing
the 1st October, shows clearly the biennial increase which occurs
in the incidence and mortality. The figures for each calendar
year are also given for purposes of comparison.
30 cases were removed to hospital, compared with 149 in
the non-epidemic year of 1933.
Four cases requiring special home nursing were referred to
District Nursing Associations in the Borough, compared with
eight in 1933, and the nurses made 33 visits to these cases, compared
with 101 in 1933.
The death-rate per 1,000 of the population was .005 compared
with .005 in 1933 and .002 in 1931.
129 visits were made by the Sanitary Inspectors and Health
Visitors to houses where cases of Measles occurred, and 17 premises
were disinfected at the request of the occupiers.