London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1935.
death-rate was .01 per 1,000 of population and 1.27 per 1,000
(live and still) births.
125 cases were notified and seven deaths occurred during the
year, compared with 150 and eight in 1934.
Whooping Cough.
11 deaths from Whooping Cough occurred during the year
and the death-rate was .03 per 1,000.
904 cases came to the knowledge of the Department during
the year.
72 of the cases were removed to hospital during the year.
334 visits were made by the Sanitary Inspectors and Health
Visitors to houses where cases of Whooping Cough occurred,
and four premises were disinfected.
The number of deaths from Influenza was 38 compared
with 43 in 1934, 183 in 1933, 111 in 1932, 97 in 1931 and 22 in
The death-rate was .11 per 1,000.
Influenzal Pneumonia and Acute Primary Pneumonia.
34 cases of acute Influenzal Pneumonia, and 285 cases of
acute Primary Pneumonia wore notified. Six of the former and
44 of the latter died.
The total number of deaths credited to all forms of Pneumonia
during the year was 145, compared with 187 in 1934, 175
in 1933, 180 in 1932, 191 in 1931, 207 in 1930, 331 in 1929, 246
in 1928, 239 in 1927, 217 in 1926 and 181 in 1925.
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.
Four cases of this disease occurred. Two of them terminated
fatally. Four other cases of this disease were notified, but proved