London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Maternity and Child Welfare.
of the Centres who work in close co-operation with the Maternity
and Child Welfare Committee of the Council. The Council pay
75 per cent. of the approved expenditure of each Centre.
Each Centre has a medical officer who is appointed by the
Committee of the Centre, and a trained Superintendent. In three
of the Centres the Superintendent is an officer of the Centre
Committee, while in the other nine Centres one of the Council's
Health Visitors acts as the Superintendent.
The medical officer attends at most of the Infant sessions
held at each Centre, and at all the Ante-natal sessions. The
Superintendent is present at all sessions and also visits the homes
of children and expectant mothers.
Each Centre has several voluntary workers who render
valuable assistance at the sessions and carry out all the work
connected with the keeping of records, and the purchase and sale
of food, drugs and clothing. They do no visiting.
The following is a list of the Welfare Centres in the Borough
together with the hours at which the clinics are held:—