London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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Population. Estimated in the usual way, the population
of Clapham in the middle of 1898 was
48,496, an increase of 692 in the year.
Birth and Birth-Rate. The number of births registered during the
year was 1,101, of which 527 were males,
and 574 were females. This number is
smaller than last year by 63, and is less than any year
since 1894. It gives a birth-rate of 22.7, also lower
than in the last few years. The corresponding rate for
the whole of London was 29.5, the lowest London birthrate
on record. The natural increment of the population,
or excess of births over deaths, was 477, giving a
rate per thousand of 9.84.
Deaths and Death-Rate. The number of deaths registered in the subdistrict
during the year was 624, of which
306 were males, and 318 females. This
again is a rise on the last two years. It includes the
deaths of 43 persons however, which occurred in institutions
in Clapham, they having come from outside the
district; but it does not include the 130 deaths of
parishioners occurring in outlying institutions. Taking
into account these figures, the total mortality becomes
711, and the death-rate 14.66, a slightly higher one than in
1897. The uncorrected death-rate was 12.86.