London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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18 Medical Officers of Health Annual Report.
Measles The deaths from Measles numbered 107 and
were 27 above the corrected average. This
was an epidemic year for this disease, as has been the
case in alternate years since 1892. As measured by the
deaths, the epidemic was not so great as in 1896 when
there were 154 deaths. The death-rate per thousand
living was 0'52, compared with 0'68 for the whole of
The number of deaths from this cause is a serious
element in the bill of mortality, and should certainly be
much lessened. For the purpose of doing something to
prevent its spread, a suggestion was made by the School
Board for London, that Measles should be included in
the dangerous infectious diseases of the Public Health
(London) Act, not to be made notifiable, but to be
subject to the provisions as to disinfection, exposure of
infected persons or things, etc. This, on being submitted
to your Board, was approved by them, but has not yet
been carried out. The proper authority to make the
order extending these provisions to Measles would be
the London County Council, and the confirmation of the
Local Government Board is also necessary.
At present very little can be done to check these
periodic epidemics of Measles.
whooping There were 81 deaths from this cause, 11
cough. below the corrected average. This gives a
rate per thousand living of 0 0.4 ; that for the
whole of London was 0.48. Whooping Cough again is
a disease that has been allowed to run its course without
much effort being made to check it. The public mind
does not at present at all appreciate the necessity for
isolation for the good of the community at large, and
children suffering from it are commonly to be found in
trains., omnibuses, and other places of public resort.