London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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when it is possible to estimate the benefits accruing from
the enforcement of the Notification of Infectious Diseases
Act but there is every reason to hope that before lony,
provided that the Act is carried out in and by the mutual
and loyal co-operation of the profession and public that
we may see the eventual stamping out of many of the
more dangerous classes of epidemic disease, and that as
vaccination has practically abolished small-pox from our
midst, so may the remaining members of the Zymotic
group be confined to the narrowest limits. The Zymotic
death-rate amounted to 2'4.
Sickness &c.
among the
Union Poor.
Amongst the Zymotic class of diseases, 14
cases occurred of Measles amongst the sick
poor, 6 of Whooping-Cough, 5 of Diarrhoea, 1 of Erysipelas.
Amongst the non-zymotic class the total number
coming under treatment amounted to 78 during the year.
The number of vaccinations performed was 120 of which
all were successful and 3 were postponed.
All orders for the abatement of nuisances
have been complied with, without recourse to
legal proceedings. Disinfections, fumigations &c., have
been effectually carried out, and no case of recurrence of
disease has taken place where this has been done.
The usual inspection of slaughter-houses and dairies
has taken place, and no reason found found for opposing
a renewal of their licenses.
I have much pleasure in testifying to the able manner
in which Mr. Friedlander, the Inspector of Nuisances,
has assisted me and carried out the necessary sanitary
work under my instructions.
Medical Officer of Health for Tooti>tj/