London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1864

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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Metropolitan area, as well as most populated districts
throughout the country, suffered from this disease to an
extent, that still necessitates the greatest exertions being
used to bring as many of the population as possible, regardless
of class distinction, under the protective influence of
Of 174 cases of disease, accidents, &c., treated by the
Union Medical Officers, 18 appear to have resulted in death.
This number rather exceeds the per centage observable
in former returns. In the Table of last year, corresponding
to that marked No. 5, in the present appendix, there were
noted 7 deaths only as occurring out of 246 cases treated;
but it is apprehended, from what has been observed in
other places, that the cases during the past year were
altogether of a severer character than usual
Phthisis and lung diseases, which in 1863, resulted in
death amongst the class referred to in 3 instances only,
proved fatal in the past year in as many as 8 cases. The
mortality from Phthisis was in the past year excessive
amongst all classes (23), and equally so was that from lung
diseases, exclusive of Phthisis (29). This being the case,
it could scarcely have excited surprise, had the Union poor
being found to have contributed double the number of
deaths from these causes to the register of so unfavourable
a year as the one under review.
If it be found that not quite the same amount of sanitary
work was accomplished during the past year, as
during the preceding one, it may be safely taken that
very considerable energy was put forth in maintaining
those improvements which had been already effected.
Table VI. Appendix, will, it is hoped, possess the usual
interest, as shewing the extent to which improvements are
still being carried out in the sub-district, that can in the