London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Summary of Medical Work.
Patients under treatment 31st December, 1930 225
Patients admitted during year 1,633
Daily attendances 9,693
Visits paid 1,835
Patients cured or relieved 2,071
Trusses 5
Casual Patients 429
Deaths 3
Patients under treatment 31st December, 1931 213
There is no institutional provision for unmarried mothers,
illegitimate infants or homeless children in the Borough.
Ambulance Facilities.— (a). For infectious cases ambulances
are provided by the London County Council ('phone: City 7200),
(b). For non-infectious cases the London County Council have
special ambulances on payment : minimum Fee, 10 shillings.
For Accident cases the London County Council provide ambulances
('phone: Hop 5000).
On Table No. III. particulars are given with regard to other
hospitals, public and voluntary, outside the Borough, which are
utilised by residents of the Borough.
All these hospitals are efficiently equipped for modern surgical
treatment, and special departments are provided for X-ray, der.tal,
ophthalmic, massage, and pathological work.