London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1907

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth, Metropolitan Borough of]

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In three cases no summonses were taken out for the following
reason, viz., that the samples were wrapped in paper marked
"Margarine" before being handed to the purchasers.
The total fines amounted to £26 5s. with £11 12s. costs,
whilst in the case of obstruction the defendant was fined £5 with
£5 5s. costs.
(c) Cocoa and Chocolate Powder.
45 samples of cocoa and 3 of chocolate powder were taken,
and of these 1 (a sample of cocoa) was declared by the Analyst
to be adulterated with starch and sugar. No summons was taken
out, as the article was declared to be chocolate powder by the
vendor before the purchase was completed.
(d) Coffee.
140 samples were taken, and of these 5 (i.e. 3.6 per cent.)
were declared by the Analyst to be adulterated—the adulterations
consisting of added chicory varying from a minimum 8 to a
maximum 57 per cent., viz., 8, 34, 48, 48 and 57 respectively.
Summonses were applied for, and [convictions obtained, in 4 of
the cases with penalties and costs varying from a minimum 10s.
(with 12s. 6d. costs) to a maximum £2 (with 12s. 6d. costs)—
total £3 penalties and £3 3s. 6d. costs.
In one case no summons was taken out on account of the
package being labelled as a mixture of coffee and chicory when
handed over by the vendor to the purchaser.
(e) Other Groceries.
65 samples of mustard were taken, and of these 1 (i.e. 15 per
cent.) was declared by the Analyst to be adulterated with 20 per
cent, of wheaten flour. No summons was taken out in view of
the nature of the adulteration.