London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hornsey 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hornsey, Borough of]

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SHOPS ACTS, 1912/1938
The Sanitary Inspectors are appointed as Shops Inspectors and
during the year 277 inspections were made.
Contraventions in the main were of a minor character, mostly concerned
with the non-provision of the necessary notices.
Regular observations are kept on the shopping areas during evenings
and days of the weekly half holiday to ensure that the provisions of the
Acts are complied with.
The following are particulars of action taken during the year under
the provisions of the Shops Act, 1934, relating to the health and comfort
of shop workers:—
Lighting provided 1
Heating provided 1
Sanitary Accommodation provided 2
Washing facilities provided 2
No. of shops cleansed 4
By virtue of Section 1 every shop is required, except as otherwise
provided by the Act, to be closed for the serving of customers on Sundays.
The excepted transactions are those set out in the first schedule.
The majority of the shops open on Sundays in the Borough are
newsagents, confectioners and tobacconists. Many of these are "mixed"
shops and if open on Sundays have to exhibit the prescribed notices.
There are also certain provisions as to the employment of assistants on
Sundays and compensatory holidays in lieu. 437 visits have been made
for this purpose.
During the twelve months ending 31st December, 1949, the following
work was carried out under the Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act, 1919:—
Visits by the Sanitary Inspectors 135
Visits by the Rodent Operator 2,951
Premises disinfested for Rats 199
Premises disinfested for Mice 42
No evidence of infestation 4
Disinfestation in hand—Rats 129
Disinfestation in hand—Mice 75
Regular sewer maintenance treatments were carried out during the