London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hornsey 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hornsey, Borough of]

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(Section D).
The housing statistics of the year as required by the Ministry
of Health are set out below:—
1. Inspection of Dwelling-houses during the Year:—
(1) (a) Total number of dwelling-houses
spected for housing defects (under
Public Health or Housing Acts) ... '2,285
(6) Number of inspections made for the
purpose 7,050
(2) (a) Number of dwelling-houses (included
under sub-head (1) above) which were
inspected and recorded under the
Housing Consolidated Regulations,
1925 136
(6) Number of inspections made for the
purpose 680
(3) Number of dwelling-houses found to be in
a state so dangerous or injurious to health
as to be unfit for human habitation —
(4) Number of dwelling-houses (exclusive of
those referred to under the preceding
sub-head) found not to be in all respects
reasonably fit for human habitation 1.667
2. Remedy of Dcfects during the Year without service
of formal Notices:—
Number of defective dwelling-houses rendered
fit in consequence of informal action by the
Local Authority or their Officers
3. Action under Statutory Powers during the Year:—
A.—Proceedings under sections 17, 18 and 23 of the
Housing Act, 1930:
(1) Number of dwelling-houses in respect of
which notices were served requiring repairs