London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1903

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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(e) No act or thing shall be done or permitted in any such room or
place likely to expose any such article to infection or contamination.
(2) If any person lets or suffers to be occupied or occupies any
room or place or does or permits any act or thing therein in contravention
of this section he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding for a first offence twenty shillings and for every
subsequent offence five pounds and to a further fine not exceeding
twenty shillings for every day on which he continues an offence after
conviction thereof.
Ice-creams.—Premises where ice-creams are manufactured or sold
were frequently inspected during the year; there are 108 premises other
than hotels and restaurants where ice-cream is manufactured and sold.
Proceedings were taken against Peitro Necchi, 36, Berwick Street, under
the London County Council General Powers Act, 1902, for manufacturing
ice-cream in a room used as a sleeping room, and he was fined
£2 and £2 2s. costs.
At present fines inflicted for infringement of the provisions of
Part VIII (Ice-creams) of the General Powers Act, 1902, are not payable
to the City Council, but it is proposed to obtain power to make
them so payable.
Every itinerant vendor of ice-cream, &c., is required to exhibit the
name and address of the manufacturer on his barrow. One man was
cautioned under this section. Lists of such vendors were prepared in
several Boroughs, and the Medical Officers of Health gave one another
information with regard to the places where the ice-cream was made.
There were eighteen persons selling it in the City during the year, of
these seven resided in the City, the others came from Finsbury (4),
Holborn (3), Chelsea (3), and Lanrbeth (1). In one case the Medical
Officer of Chelsea informed me that the place in which the mixture was
prepared was dilapidated, with w.c. obstructed, and defective paving of
scullery. In another (in Holborn) proceedings were taken for making
ice-cream in a living and sleeping room.
Aerated Water Manufactories.—There are five establishments where
mineral waters are made in the City of Westminster. Two of these are
on a small scale, operations being carried out in basements. Being
factories all are under control of the Home Office, but the supervision
appeared to be confined chiefly to securing efficient protection of
machinery and bottling apparatus. In only one of the five could no
faults be found, in the others improvements were effected as