London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1903

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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Proceedings were taken against one person for removing and selling
to a second-hand furniture dealer articles which had been exposed to
infection from scarlet fever, and which had not been previously
disinfected. Pined Is. and 3s. 6d. costs on each of the two
During 1903, the Washington-Lyons apparatus at Dufour's Place
was removed to the Commercial Road Station, to replace the apparatus
there which had become worn out. The City has now three Disinfecting
Stations:—Horseferry Road, Commercial Road, and Denzell Street. It
would be much better if the disinfecting were all done at one place,
and I had hoped to have been able to report that a Central Disinfecting
Station had been erected. The County Council have been required by
the Council to provide a site for a Central Disinfecting Station in place
of that at Denzell Street required for the Holborn to Strand street.
Shelters.-—Nineteen persons were admitted to the temporary shelters
(Horseferry Road and Dufour's Place) during 1903. £4 was spent in
food for necessitous persons.
Cleansing of Persons.—Under the provisions of this Act 18 persons
received a free bath and had their clothing baked in the disinfecting
chamber at Denzell Street.