London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1903

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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Some Typical Cases.
No. 1. Female, 31, married; ill 4 years, no family history of consumption,
infected by husband (still alive), who was
phthisical before marriage.
No. 25. Male, 43, cooper; father, sister and brother died of consumption
; one brother has been ill, but has recovered,
married, wife and eight children, all well.
No. 28. Female, 33, married. Swiss. No family history; was
healthy at time of marriage, infected by husband (ill
for 3 years previously), a tailor.
No. 39. Male, 41, brass-worker. Belgian. Ill for 8 years. Alcoholic.
Infected by first wife, who died; married second
wife, infected her, she died; married third wife, still
No. 46. Male, 50, builder. No family history, infected by second
wife, who died of acute phthisis soon after marriage.
No. 79. Male, 30, single. Pattern tracer (using lead paint), father
previously employed at same work and brother died of
phthisis ; alcoholic; careless in his habits; suffered also
from lead poisoning.
No. 97. Male, 38, single. House-painter. Ill 5 years, no family
history; at end of 3 years infected brother, who died
after short illness.
No. 106. Male, 42. Father and brother died of phthisis; infected
daughter, who came home in good health from situation
to act as nurse.
No. 107. Female, 41. Book-folder. Widow. Ill 6 years. Infected
by brother, whom she nursed immediately before being
taken ill herself.
No. 117. Male, 24, single. Steel engraver. Infected by fellow
workman in badly ventilated office; infected brother
who slept with him, and subsequently the father also
became infected with acute phthisis ; all 3 died within
10 months.
No. 2. Female, 31, married. No family history. While recovering
from influenza a woman with phthisis became a lodger,
and they were much together for 4 months ; became ill
at end of 3 months.