London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hanover Square 1882

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]

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Meat, fish, &c., condemned (cases of) 7
Overcrowding abated 6
Cesspools abolished 10
Accumulation of dung, straw, &c., removed 49
Various nuisances removed 62
No cause for complaint on inspection 43
Legal proceedings taken 0
Cases could not assist 4
Cases referred to Surveyor 21
Cases referred to Police 3
Licensed cow-sheds 6
Licensed slaughter-houses 12
Cases removed to Hospitals 157
Inspection of houses after cases of infectious
diseases, viz.—
Typhoid and low fever 13
Typhus fever 1
Scarlet fever 103
Small-pox 113
Diphtheria 6
The articles disinfected in the hot-air disinfecting
chamber belonging to the Parish were as follows:—
180 Beds 220 Bolsters
195 Mattresses 424 Pillows
95 Palliasses 165 Carpets
315 Quilts 50 Hearth-rugs
420 Blankets 75 Curtains
326 Sheets 160 Towels
70 Dresses 50 Cushions
50 Shawls 81 Table Covers
90 Coats 70 Rugs
70 Waistcoats
And a large quantity of sundry articles.