London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hanover Square 1869

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]

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authority to cause the chimney to be raised above the level
of the said house, or to be so raised as to abate the nuisance.
Indeed this formed a resolution, which I proposed and was
unanimously passed, at a meeting of the Metropolitan
Association of Medical Officers of Health.
Slaughter-Houses and Cow-Houses.
At the Special Sessions held in the Board Room, Mount
Street, on October 9th last, 27 applications for licensing
slaughter-houses were made, 2 of which were refused. There
were also 11 applications to license cow houses, one of which
was refused. It is desirable that 1000 cubic feet should be
provided as breathing space for each animal, but from Table
No. III., showing the cubic capacity of each cow-house, it
may be seen that 2 of them have only about half that
The Serpentine—Hyde Park.
In consequence of the impure state of the water, and the
increase of deaths from drowning in the Serpentine during
the Summer of 1868, I found it necessary to report upon
the subject to the Nuisances Removal Committee, and to
write to Her Majesty's First Commissioner of Works, asking
his Lordship whether any steps were likely to be taken not
only to prevent the recurrence of effluvia by proper means,
but also the frequency of deaths from drowning, by lessening
the depth of the river. I received the following reply:—
Office of Works, &c., S.W.,
21st Sept., 1868.
I am directed by the First Commissioner of Her
Majesty's Works, &c., to acquaint you, with reference to