London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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The number of factories on the Register kept by the Council
has increased during this year. Several firms have returned
from evacuation and some industries have been started in the
Borough. Less women are now employed in the heavy engineering
industries, but female labour is still extensively employed in
the majority of other factories. With very few exceptions,
mechanical power is used in all factories.
Regular inspections were made under the Factories Act. The
standard was good, and as a general rule the factory managers were
eager to co-operate for the welfare of their employees. In some
cases, it was observed that conditions did not comply with the
Factories Act. In minor details, verbal notice was given, but
where major alterations were necessary written notice was served
and licences issued.
151 visits wore paid to the homes of outworkers, and where
inspections wore made, conditions wore found to be fairly
satisfactory. Many women go out to work all day and do out-work
in the evenings. In these cases, it is difficult to inspect the
promises during the day. Several people were known to bo doing
out-work, who had not been notified to the Local Authority by
their employers, and it is possible that many more were doing work
in unsuitable conditions unknown to the Inspector.

REDENT CONTROL. Report for twelve months from January 13th. 1946, to January 4th. 1947.

Visits: Rodent Officer283310
Drains Tested-.37256
" Found Defective8116
" Repaired677
" Opened up for examination539
Other Preventive Works_
Promises reported infested680197
" Cleared671201

Additional to the above reports.

Business:Pre-Baits Laid21,839
Poison Baits Laid5,228
Total Baits Laid27,067
Bodies Recovered653
Domestic :Poison Baits Laid4,201
Bodies Recovered175

Note; Two Maintenance Treatments of the Sewers were carried
out during the months of June and November, in conjunction
With the Borough Engineer's Department. The respective
result s were as follows
Poison Takes: Complete 14 Partial 390 Bodies 45 Estimated
„ „ Kill 3,440
" " 77 „ 492 „ 47 Estimated
Kill 4,845
Manholes treated numbered 801 and 800 respectively