London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1921

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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During the year 3,127 persons were cleansed at the station in King
James Street. Under our agreement with the London County Council,
2,952 children were cleansed. One cleansing was found to be sufficient
in verminous cases, except when the cases were associated with imperigo,
when two or three cleansings had to be given.
Many of the children treated were suffering from Scabies. In every
case the treatment at our Station was thoroughly efficacious, and no
recurrence of the trouble was experienced.
175 adults sent from the various common lodging houses and other
places in our borough were cleansed during the year, as against 139
dealt with under the provisions of the Cleansing of Persons Act, 1897,
in 1920.