London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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During the year 92 cases of tuberculosis (83 respiratory, 9 nonrespiratory)
were notified under the Regulations.

The following table shows age and sex incidence of the cases notified. TABLE VIII.

Age Periods.Primary Notifications.Total
Respiratory, males1-1113584983-44
Respiratory, females1-2--71012511--39
Non-respiratory, males----2-11-----4
Non-respiratory, females-12---1---1--5

In addition to the above 41 other cases were added to the register
as a result of information received from the following sources:—
Registrar-General's Death Returns (transferable
deaths) 1
Local Death Returns 7
Transfers from other areas 26
Other sources 7
During the year 32 deaths were certified as being due to tuberculosis.

The Number of cases remaining on the Register at 31st December, 1951, after adjustments in respect of deaths and transfers, was as follows:—
