London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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During the year legal proceedings instituted by the Department to
secure the abatement of nuisances resulted in Closing Orders being made
by the Magistrate on 21 premises in the Borough. Closing Orders in
respect of five premises in the Borough were revoked by the Magistrate,
on the application of the owners, on the grounds that the necessary
works had been carried out.
Closing Orders in respect of part of seven premises (underground
rooms and similar dwellings which do not comply with the Regulations)
were made under the Housing Act, 1936, by the Council.
OVERCROWDING (Housing Act, 1936).
Particulars of overcrowding and abatement of cases of overcrowding
in the Borough during the year are as follows:—
Number of cases reported during the year 144
Number of cases of overcrowding relieved during the
year (Rehoused: by L.C.C. 96, P.B.C. 5) 101
Number of persons concerned in such cases 402

NEW HOUSING. Details of new housing accommodation provided in the Borough during the year were as follows:—

Estate.By whom providedNo. of tenements
Huntshaw House, Devons EstateLondon County Council20
Longmead House, Devons Estate25
Stanborough House, Coventry Cross Estate28
Pusey HouseLansbury Estate12
Chilcot Close21
Pekin Close8
Kerbey Street13
Canton Street11
Gladstone House15
Rigden Street5
Duff Street6
Baring House24
Grundy Street16
Overstone House17
Pekin Street8
Market Way9
Shepherd House18
Granville House36
Market Square7

In addition to the above, 48 new tenements were provided by the
Poplar Borough Council.