London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Bacteriological Examination of Milk.

Number of Samples Examined for Bacteria (Total Count and B. Coli and Methylene Blue Test)—108.

Designated Milk.Where taken:Number satisfactory.Number unsatisfactory.Action taken.
On delivery at—From Dealers—
Railway Stations.L.C.C. Hospitals and SchoolsBefore bottling.After bottling.
Tuberculin Tested313 (2)29 (5)38**710 letters to dealers and 6 letters to Medical Officers of Health of other Authorities.
Pasteurised25(1)15*19581One letter to producer and 1 letter to Medical Officer of Health of another Authority.
Tuberculin Tested Pasteurised..44
Tuberculin Tested (Certifiod)

The figures in parentheses denote number of unsatisfactory samples and are included in the totals.
*8 for B. Coli count only. **5 not subjected to B. Coli test.
Note.—Of the Seven samples of Tuberculin Tested milk which did not pass the B. Coli test, three also did not paas
the Methylene Blue test.