London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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List of Maternal Deaths and Deaths Associated with Pregnancy.

Cause of Death.Attended at Institution.Attended at home byTreated in Institution subsequently.No. of prev ious pregnancies.Received Ante-natal care or Treatment at
M.C.W. Clinic.Elsewhere.
Puerperal Sepsis (3 cases). Rupture of uterus. Obstructed labour. Shock, haemorrhage and sepsis. P.M.No.Doctor.Yes.3No.No.
Septicaemia. Septic endometritis. Natural abortion. P.M.No.Doctor.Yes.8No.No.
Cerebellar abscess. Abscess of peritoneum following old suppurative peritonitis. Coroner's P.M (On enquiry by the Registrar-General it was ascertained that the peritonitis was due to miscarriage.)No.Doctor.Yes.3No.No.
Other Puerperal Causes (2 cases). Uraemia. Toxaemia of pregnancy. Premature confinement. Ante-partum haemorrhage. Suppurative mast itisYes.Yes.Nil.No.Yes at int.
Accidental haemorrhage. Toxaemia of pregnancy. AnuriaNo.Midwife.Yes.6Yes.No.
Other Death associated with Pregnancy (1 case). Pulmonary tuberculosis. PregnancyYes.Yes.No.In Hospital since 17.12.37.