London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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During the year a number of "carriers'' were reported and as far as
possible were referred to special "carrier" clinics.
Enteric Fever.
Four notifications were received (of which two related to Paratyphoid
Fever), and the patients were removed to hospital. The attack-rate
was 0.03 per 1,000 of population.
One of the notified cases died; 2 other deaths occurred in Mental
Hospitals, but these cases were not notified to this Authority.
Bacteriological Examinations.
1,816 swabbings from doubtful cases of diphtheria were examined.
Of these, 277 gave positive results (15.2 per cent.). One positive swab
(growth scanty) was submitted to virulence test and the result was
positive. The patient did not present clinical symptoms and was referred
to a "carrier'' clinic.
3 blood specimens from doubtful cases of Enteric Fever were examined.
One positive result was obtained. (Serum in dilutions of 1.20 to 1.320
agglutinated Paratyphosus B. No agglutination of Typhoid or Paratyphoid
All these examinations were carried out at the Seamen's Hospital,
The outbreak of Smallpox, which commenced in Poplar in March,
1928, continued, and during 1932 178* cases occurred (see footnote to
Table I overleaf).